Home Games Grouping Objects

Grouping Objects

Grouping objects is an important skill, particularly for lower functioning children who have autism. The ability to group objects can be linked to activities that include turn taking and waiting. Grouping objects also assists students with autism to develop a greater understanding of characteristics or attributes. The ability to group and categorize objects is often a prerequisite skill for work preparation activities at school and vocational training for post school options. Many students with autism may develop obsessions associated with sequencing or grouping highly desired objects. Students with autism often need to generalize a skill in a range of setting before the skill can be mastered.

This game teaches the concept of grouping objects by determining the appropriate group of clothing needed for different environments. The game narrative is focused on a central character, Panda, who must choose the correct clothing to where to match the weather conditions. As the child dresses Panda they are creating a group of appropriate clothes such as a raincoat, gumboots, scarf and gloves. The game reinforces the following keywords that can be generalized into real world situations; 'match' and 'group'.

This game helps autistic children to match 2D and 3D objects and to recognize that certain objects may have multiple groups that they belong to. Grouping with Sketchy uses 3D animation to introduce the concept of grouping objects and an interactive flash game that allows the child to practice their grouping skills The objects include household items, allowing the lesson to be adapted to 'real-life' scenarios such as packing your lunch for school. The game reinforces the following keywords that can be generalized into real world situations; 'Put with same'.